2025 Global Philanthropy
Leaders Summit
2025 Leaders Summit
The 2025 Global Philanthropy Leaders Summit brings together senior leaders and decision-makers across the global philanthropy landscape, as well as key stakeholders from a range of sectors, to explore the theme: "Embracing Risk."
In an era marked by growing complexity, uncertainty and unprecedented challenges, philanthropy has a critical role to play in shaping positive, lasting change. This summit will focus on how taking bold, strategic risks can drive innovation, unlock new pathways to impact, and transform the way we think about giving, investing, and tackling the world’s most urgent issues.
The theme "Embracing Risk" invites participants to re-imagine and re-conceptualize how we define and approach risk in philanthropy. It will challenge us to think beyond traditional risk-aversion and cultivate a culture that encourages bold decision-making for lasting, transformative impact. Through a series of dynamic sessions, we will explore how philanthropy can navigate complexity to champion and create a vision for a positive alternative narrative to the current ‘polycrisis.’
Against this backdrop, attendees of this year’s Leaders Summit, will walk away with:
Concrete strategies, frameworks for embracing risk and creating impactful change,
New partnerships and collaborations especially cross-sector and cross-border
New thinking towards more bold, adaptive leadership.
Summit Logistics
Wednesday, March 12: Program begins at 4PM, with optional field trips during the day.
Thursday, March 13: Program from 9AM - 5PM, plus optional dinners
Friday, March 14: Program from 9AM -5PM.
Hotel information: hotel block information coming soon
Harbor Court Hotel
Hotel Griffon
Early Bird tickets: $1,950
Open until January 6, 2025 at 11:59PM PT
Regular tickets: $2,450
Open from January 7, 2025 date until conference or sell out date
If you are a part of a country delegation, or are interested in forming a country delegation to attend the Summit, please reach out about special delegation rates. Email Megan Wenger at mwenger@philanthropyforum.org for more information.
Summit ticket fees are non refundable but transferable if you are unable to attend based on unforeseen circumstances. Space is limited. If we are unable to accommodate you at the time of registration, your name will be added to our waitlist and we will contact you if space becomes available.
This year for the first time along with your conference ticket you will receive a 1 year complimentary membership to our digital platform.